Take a journey with me, while we discover characters in our daily lives! Creating and making what we see and have envisioned is part of the joy of art! Taking everyday things and finding what is inside, what is yearning to be seen, is the exciting part!
Make what you like.
Do you love color, flowers, animals, and nature. As you journey from day to day try to envision, or look for things that make you feel good.
Yellow Tulip
Design what you imagine.
Your imagination is one of your best tools. Like any tool if you do not use it it becomes dull. Use it everyday so it will stay sharp.
D for Dragon Diamond Daisy
Who talks to you.
When walking through nature does something ever stop you, and talk to you. What is it saying? Does it speak to you and say “Make me, don’t forget me, show me what you can do.” Don’t ignore those voices you hear. You hear them for a reason!
Now and Then (Who does your Hair?)
What do you see.
We journey through nature every time we walk outside our door. What do you we see? Do you see everyday ordinary things or are you more curious and look for things that are different. Do your eyes focus on unexpected things?